Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.  But every Scout Troop is different, due to the mix of Leaders and Scouts, and we are no exception. We like to offer a well-balanced programme but we also firmly believe that the ‘out’ in Scouting is important. So we have much more of a focus on the range of outdoors skills and challenges which help to build more resilient individuals ….. so that they can live up to the Scout motto …..’Be Prepared’.

We believe that regular group camping provides the Scouts with experience of team-working and problem solving and opportunities to show and grow their initiative and leadership skills.

But above all camping should be fun and that can only happen with the right kit to keep scouts safe and warm. We provide the tents but would ask that you provide the personal kit to ensure that Scouts are well prepared for their adventure. A personal kit list is attached.

In return for the programme we offer, we ask each Scout to do their best and we will help them as they try to achieve the activity and challenge badges, around which our programme is organised. For a flavour of our activities please have a look at our photo boards in the hall which we regularly update. Please note these are not shared outwith the Troop.

We are also more than happy to talk about how your child is progressing in scouts or if there are any issues you think we need to be aware of, please come and have a chat.

Iain Stevenson – Scout Leader


Iain Stevenson
Scout Leader

Donibristle Scouts News