The group has its own hall, minibus and trailer which are available for community use if available at the time and for a suitable donation.

If you would like to use the hall please get in touch via email at








If you would like to use the Minibus or Trailer please get in touch via email at The bus is only available for use entirely at our discretion by other Scout Groups or similar community focussed non-profit organisations and not available to individuals or businesses. The basic conditions/requirements associated with its use are below:

  1. Drivers must hold D1 entitlement on their licence (D1+E if using the trailer)
  2. Drivers must be aged over 25 and be under 70 years of age and have held D1 entitlement for a minimum of 2yrs (these are rules imposed by our insurer)
  3. The group or organisation using the vehicle must hold and be able to display their own Section 19 Permit whilst operating the vehicle
  4. Drivers must have had no claims (regardless of fault) and no endorsements in last 5 years
  5. Drivers will be asked to present their licence (or supply a licence check code) as evidence of the above prior to release of the vehicle


Please note we are only able to accept/confirm bookings for external users 3 months in advance of requested dates.