Scouting at home

While we’re not meeting face to face, we still want to carry on with Scouts
As the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) causes schools to close and many people to isolate, these are challenging times for everyone. But it’s been heart-warming to see Scouts across the UK responding in such positive ways. The prospect of keeping up with connecting, learning and helping, feels like a way to maintain a sense of community and lightness during this time.
Our Sections are continuing to meet through a variety of online methods including
• Zoom
• Keeping in touch by email and on social media
• Sharing stories of what our young people are up to on social media
• Offering badge work and #skillsforlife through “Programs at home”

There are also some nationally provided resources:

The Great Indoors

Scouting online (safety)

At Home Zodiac (Scouts)

Covid 19 and continued Scouting