As I sit here reflecting on the last 24 years as G.S.L. and 37 years with the Group there have been so many memorable occasions, perhaps I should write a book. On reading the report from 25 years ago when we had 222 boys I wonder how we managed without all the new technology that we now need to run successful sections, we now run very successfully with 130 boys and girls unfortunately we cannot staff any other sections so we will not get back to these high numbers for our 50th year.

This year we said goodbye to Lynn Merckel who had been with the group for 34 years all this time running a Beaver Section Lynn is continuing her Scouting as a member of the District Active Support. Murray Thomson left us after 21 years; he is now actively helping get the 1st Fordell Scout group off the ground. Stuart Donaldson after 17 years in the Group 5years as a Leader is having a rest at the moment but I am sure he will be back, so to these three who have given so many hours to the 48th a huge thank you.

Thanks also must go to the Executive Committee who work very hard to keep the Leaders happy and providing all they need to run successful sections plus maintaining the hall to a high standard. We are always looking for new Parents to join their small band helping them keep up to date with what the youngsters want today.

This year we have had two Leaders step up from Section Assistants to become Assistant Section Leaders Steve and Andrea have taken over St Bridget’s Cubs and Claire Harper has joined the Leader Team at St. David’s Scouts. Martin also joined the Leader Team after seeing how much fun it was at Parent and Child Camp.

Recently we also welcomed Iain Dick to our Leader Team Iain is taking on the role of Assistant Group Scout Leader, Iain comes to us with years of experience from his Scouting days in Edinburgh he has already proved his worth with all his help at District Camp, we have been very lucky to capture him for the 48th.

In this year’s St George’s Day awards Peter Merckel was awarded the Silver Wolf. This is the highest award a Leader can receive and the 48th are so proud that it is Peter who has received this not only for his work in the Group but also all his work in the Rosyth District.

We have to thank Barry McCleery for printing all the Sectional Reports which I hope you enjoy reading. My expectations for our 50th year are that the Leaders will complete their training and we will have a massive presentation of wood badges at our 50th AGM.


Group Scout Leader’s Report 2018