This last year has seen us back to full programs and regular troop night meetings. The Scouts have worked hard to rebuild some of the scouting skills that had gone a little rusty and grow their confidence in what they
St Davids Scouts Annual report 2022
So 2021/22 has been almost back to normal for Scouts Starting the Summer term we were still working on an alternate week basis but this didn’t stop us getting back in to the proger Scout program working our way through
St Bridgets Cubs Annual Report 2019
Looking back over the 12 months that would make up a normal report has given some interesting contrasts between the pre and post Covid programmes that we have run but it has also highlighted the similarity of challenges, fun and
St David’s Scouts Annual Report 2020
We have had another fun and busy year, with our Scout Troop still healthy with over 30 young people. To start off in Sept 2019 we got the chance to go Scuba diving in Burntisland swimming pool, where I’m sure
St Bridgets Cubs Annual Report 2019
Donibristle Cub Pack Annual Report 2019. It is normal to review things from the previous year, it is probably fair to say that last year has brought a bumper crop of exciting activities for all to participate in. These events
St Davids Scouts Annual Report 2018
For 2017/18 report I’ll stick with last years opening line: It’s been yet another busy year for St Davids Scout Troop. Early in the year we decided we would plan and run a summer camp on Rum, as leaders we thought this would be a great quiet escape from the noisy world of Tech…..Then 15 Scouts decided to join us. At least we can still escape the Tech while doubling the islands normal population for a week. This year the troop has achieved its Bronze level youth approved award, this reflects the level of youth engagement we have in the running of the evenings and planning of our program. We have also seen our nos rise over the year to our current 19 Scouts. At the Scouts request we have spent the current year building on the basic scout skills, this kicked off with the Master at Arms badge completed with the support of a leader from Cowdenbeath Scouts and has continued with more camping, navigation, first aid and knife and saw. A couple of our highlights this year have been watching the scouts preparing fresh fish to serve up Masterchef style (although perhaps not standards), competing in the district camping competition along with designing and creating their own Hoodie for the troop. The Scouts have been looking at the local community and their opportunities to get involved, a team from the troop joined others from the group and took on the challenge of clearing snow at the local primary school during the “Beast from the East”. Our Scouts have completed a number of camps this year including; Troop camps, the Big Badge camp at Fordell, Sub zero camping in Dec and Feb, Sleepovers in a trampoline park and at an underground bunker and what is becoming a favourite – Hammocking. Our Summer camp is fast approaching so thoughts have turned to this next adventure. While out on Rum our older Scouts will be completing their expedition challenge award bothying at Dibdril. We also have some project work planned to support the island community trust maintaining the infrastructure that gets erroded by tourism and working
St Bridgets Cubs Annual Report 2018
So what has 2017/18 brought for the Donibristle cubs? Over the last year numbers have grown in terms of both Cubs and leaders, we’ve had cubs move up to Scouts, Beavers joining us as cubs and 3 Cubs awarded their
Group Scout Leader’s Report 2018
As I sit here reflecting on the last 24 years as G.S.L. and 37 years with the Group there have been so many memorable occasions, perhaps I should write a book. On reading the report from 25 years ago when
Chairman’s Report for 2018 AGM
Executives function Maintenance of Groups property and its insurance. Raising funds and the administration of all finances. Supporting Group public occasions. Assisting with recruitment of leaders and other adult support. As a registered charity we are the Trustees and are
Donibristle Scouts Annual Report 2018
Once again its been another rewarding scouting year for our Troop. One of the last things I mentioned in the 2016/17 annual report was that our troop had just won the District camping competition – the Totem – and were