So what has 2017/18 brought for the Donibristle cubs? Over the last year numbers have grown in terms of both Cubs and leaders, we’ve had cubs move up to Scouts, Beavers joining us as cubs and 3 Cubs awarded their Chief Scout Silver award.

We’ve had quite a variety of overnight experiences including Cycle camp, Astronomer sleepover, Christmas craft camp with St Davids Scouts, A Sub-zero Rookie camp, District camp and a sleepover in Scotlands secret bunker. Hopefully everybody looks back on “I’m a Mum get me out of here” and has fond memories of the meal worm fried rice and the Salt & Pepper Crickets, no doubt regular mealtime favourites now…

This year our pack has achieved its Youth Approved Bronze award, this reflects the engagement the cubs have in running the pack and inputting to our program planning.

Over this last year our cubs have requested a program that has included a Water activities night (Kayaking and paddleboarding), a mosque visit, laser tag, Navigator, Orienteering, Pets at home, Archery and a session Sailing to finish off the term.

In addition to all of this adventure our cubs have aimed to make a positive impact on the local community this year. We’ve had Christmas songs and entertainment for the residents at Henderson house, took on night time bulb planting with DBHS at the Regents Centre to brighten up Dalgety Bay, and joined other members of the 48th Fife group and parents to tackle snow clearance at the local primary school during the “Beast from the East”.

Due to a generous grant we were able to significantly subsidise a coach trip to the Glasgow science centre. Our cubs and leaders/helpers got stuck into all of the exhibits and experiences they could, perhaps generating a soon to be classic piece of parent feedback:

In addition to welcoming new cubs and parents we’ve also welcomed Baloo on board (or off his board) as a new Assistant Cub Scout Leader.

Our thanks as always go to all those parents and leaders that help to support our program providing lifts and supporting our active program, we wouldn’t otherwise be able to offer anywhere near as many adventurous and outdoor activities

We hope your cubs have enjoyed their experiences over this last year and for the contingent of to Scotjam 2018 in the summer holidays – we hope you have fun, make new friends and lasting memories.

For those attending Dad & Cub camp in September – we’re working on plans to match the mum’s experiences.

Yours in Scouting,

Keith Wood, Assistant Cub Scout Leader, St Bridgets Cub Pack, 48th Fife.

St Bridgets Cubs Annual Report 2018